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February 16, 2023 Pukka Pads' tips on taking notes at school, college or university.

Pukka Pads' tips on taking notes at school, college or university.

Have you found yourself wishing you could take down notes better at school, college or university? The task can seem daunting but taking notes is a great way to stay on top of all of your classes and learn more effectively. Whether you're a school student studying for your GCSEs or a university student getting a master's degree, there is a very high possibility that you'll need to take notes... We've put together a list of ways that you can make the most of your note-taking!

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May 11, 2022 Why handwriting is still important in our lives!

Why handwriting is still important in our lives!

In a world that is increasingly dominated by electronics and advanced technology, there aren’t many things in life that bring more joy than stationery. But, with the use of laptops, tablets and phones becoming more apparent in the last 10 years, does this mean stationery will eventually become redundant?

So, we're here to explain why the use of paper will never die, and why it is more important now than ever.

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