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File Mechanism
  1. O-ring 1 item
  2. D-ring 4 items
  1. Halloween 4 items
  2. Safari 6 items
  3. Under the Sea 9 items
Party Product Type
  1. Napkins 3 items
  2. Paper Plates 5 items
  3. Straws 9 items
  4. Party Hats 1 item
  5. Selfie Glasses 2 items
  6. Balloons/ Balloon Frames 1 item
  7. Candles 3 items
  8. Party/ Treat Bags 1 item
  9. Paper Cups 1 item
  1. Halloween 4 items
  2. Party 22 items
Envelope Closure
  1. Gummed 2 items
Envelope Size
  1. C5 1 item
  2. C6 1 item
4 Hole Punched
  1. Yes 10 items
  2. No 15 items
Perforated Margin
  1. Yes 12 items
  2. No 13 items
Page Count
  1. 80 5 items
  2. 140 1 item
  3. 160 7 items
  4. 200 9 items
  5. 300 2 items
  6. 350 1 item
Paper GSM weight
  1. 60 GSM 7 items
  2. 70 GSM 1 item
  3. 80 GSM 17 items
Paper Size
  1. A4 12 items
  2. B5 1 item
  3. A5 10 items
  4. A6 1 item
Paper Type
  1. Lined 24 items
  2. Plain 1 item
  1. Black 6 items
  2. Blue 5 items
  3. Green 9 items
  4. Orange 1 item
  5. White 5 items
  6. Yellow 4 items
  7. Pastel 2 items
  8. Pink 2 items
  9. Assorted 31 items
  10. Multiple 13 items
  11. Animal print 1 item
  12. Cream 2 items
  13. Lilac 1 item
  1. Pukka Pads 41 items
  2. Concord 1 item
  3. Pukka Party 26 items
  4. Pukka Planet 7 items
  5. Pukka Post & Packaging 2 items
  6. Unipad 7 items
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Items 1-24 of 84