International Women's Day is a time to celebrate the strength and resilience of women around the world. From powerful leaders to everyday heroes, we’re grateful for the contributions of women everywhere striving for gender equity.
This year's theme is #EmbraceEquity. We can all challenge gender stereotypes, call out discrimination, draw attention to bias, and seek out inclusion.
This year's IWD campaign theme seeks to get the world talking about why "equal opportunities are no longer enough" - and can in fact be exclusionary, rather than inclusive. Equity recognises that each person has different circumstances, and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome. To find out more about International Women's Day, view the IWD official website here.
Today on the blog we thought it would be nice to celebrate International Women’s Day by chatting with some of the women from the Pukka Pads office!
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
Jodie: International Women’s Day is an opportunity for everyone regardless of gender or gender identity to celebrate the strength and resilience of women all around the world, but to also challenge gender stereotypes, call out discrimination when we see it and seek inclusion in all walks of life! In my life, I’m lucky to be around many strong women, at home and work and on IWD today we should celebrate them!
Isobel: Acknowledging that women the world over are the backbone of every society
Monica: It reminds me to show appreciation for the women in my life, mum, sister and friends. And Myself.
Tilly: To me international woman's day means celebrating all the progress women have made throughout history!
Elsie-May: International women’s day means taking the opportunity to recognise women all across the globe for simply being women! To recognise our strength and resilience in fighting not only for equal rights but also in continuing to educate on how prevalent the imbalance still is.
What makes you proud to work for Pukka Pads?
Jodie: I’m proud to work for Pukka Pads because I feel like we are part of a team that works collaboratively with each other, from the sales team to our graphic design department, everyone's ideas are heard and treated equally.
Isobel: An Ethical family-run company who are a pleasure to work with. My interview seven years ago felt like a coffee shop catch-up with friends rather than an interrogation and I had been through a lot in the proceeding weeks, I came away thinking what a great bunch and chose the role at Pukka over several other offers at the time and have not regretted my decision at all. Staff are treated with respect and are valued which makes the job worthwhile.
Monica: Working with a group of hardworking individuals and having confidence in the quality and sustainability of the products we sell.
Tilly: I am proud to work for Pukka Pads as a junior designer because it is great to see the designs and products you have worked on in so many stores across the UK, something we can all be really proud of.
Helena: It’s a simple hierarchy structure, and we all have access to all the management at any time. Everybody’s ideas and suggestions are considered with equal merit, no matter the position or gender. And it’s FUN!
Elsie-May: I am proud to work for a company that makes the effort to recognise this day and the great women that work for them. Pukka Pads is a brilliant example of a company that breaks the stereotype of our male-dominated industry, and for this, I am also proud to be amongst this team.
What is an important message that you want to send to women who want to start a career in the stationery world?
Jodie: The stationery world can seem like a big and daunting place to start, however, there are so many opportunities within the industry to make a difference. Plus, you never know until you try. So, shoot your shot.
Isobel: Go for it, you never know what you can achieve until you try!
Monica: Push yourself and be creative.
Tilly: My message I would send to women who want to work in a similar career is to follow your heart! Working in a role which you enjoy is the most important thing, whether that be creative, sales or finance!
Helena: The stationery industry used to be heavily male-dominated, probably due to the culture of the time when salesmen hit the road, and mothers stayed home to keep house and raise the children. But today, only your own ambition can hold you back – there is room for everyone in the industry, and I have personally in 25 + years never been looked at as anything but equal to my peers.
Elsie-May: To not be afraid to make noise or take up space or make yourself seen. As a woman, it is easy to take the back seat and allow our voices to be overshadowed, but it is so important to fight to be heard and show how great we can be!
What is your proudest achievement at Pukka Pads?
Jodie: My proudest achievement at Pukka Pads Is working on the Pukka Planet campaign. We worked on this project for a long time to get it right! From the products down to the ethos, it was a real collaborative effort.
Tilly: My proudest achievement at Pukka Pads is working on the Irlen range, as it is nice to work on a product which can also help people.
Helena: I came with a clear remit and intention of straightening up our B2B presence and I feel I have achieved that. I have worked with some really positive colleagues, all of whom understand their responsibilities within the business, and are more than willing to help where there were gaps in knowledge – I hope I have done the same.
To see how you can join in with IWD view the IWD official website here.

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