How to reduce your screen time!
Did you know that on average we spend an astonishing 34 years staring at screens- that’s a significant portion of our lifetimes! It’s considered that half the amount of time on digital devices is not actually productive, or needed. We’re not saying that you should never go on a phone or device again! But, we’re here to give you some advice on how you can reduce your screen time.
Ways you can reduce your screen time
- Track and measure your screen time to see where you spend most of your time.
- Set a screen limit or use a timer.
- Turn off your notifications.
- Delete distracting apps if needed.
- Take up a new hobby.
- Create phone and device-free space.
- Read a book instead of reading from a device.
- Pick up a notebook instead of a laptop.
- Take your work email off your phone.
1. Measure your screen time.
We all know that familiar dreaded feeling on a Monday morning when your ’weekly report is available’ however it’s a great tool for seeing how much time you spend on certain apps and can help you take accountability for your screen time. Make a habit to check this every week and see if you can improve your stats!

2. Set a screen limit or use a timer.
If you’re seeing big numbers from apps that drain your time consider setting a screen limit for those apps. We can spend hours on TikTok without even realising it! By setting a screen limit or timer you can control the amount of time you spend on certain apps. This is great for limiting the amount of time on your screen.
3. Turn off your notifications.
Notifications can be very distracting, especially when you are deep into writing an essay or a tricky spreadsheet. Just one or two notifications from social media can distract you for hours on end. Did you know you can change your settings so you can choose which apps you want notifications from? This is particularly helpful if you need to get on and get stuff done.
4. Delete distracting apps if needed.
Is there one app that you can spend hours on, or perhaps you’re an avid online shopper? A good way to decrease your screen time is to remove the apps that you find distracting. Don’t worry, you can always re-download them! Not only does deleting your apps decrease your screen time, but it also helps to de-clutter your phone too!
5. Take up a new hobby!
Taking up a new hobby is a great way to replace your screen time, there are many hobbies that you could take up including reading, writing a story or novel, going to the gym, horse riding or tennis, the list is endless! The important thing is to find a hobby that you’ll enjoy and want to spend time doing!
6. Create a phone or device-free space.
Putting your phone in a different area of the house, or even chucking it somewhere out of your distance will hopefully allow you to focus on other activities. For most people, their bedtime routine is to get into their pj’s, crawl into their bed and then reach for their phone… We’re all guilty of it. But, did you know that the blue light emitted by your phone restrains the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep-wake cycle? This makes it even more difficult to fall asleep and wake up the next day. By eliminating your phone from your night routine you may get a night of better sleep!
7. Read a book instead of reading from a device.
If you’ve spent all day staring at a screen it can be increasingly straining on your eyes to then choose to read a book on a device at night time. So, why not curl up at home and stare at a physical book instead? Plus, you don’t have to keep physical books charged!
8. Pick up a notebook instead of a laptop
Instead of picking your laptop up to write notes down, whether that be at home, school or work, why not choose to write them in a notebook instead? This will not only decrease your screen time but research shows that students who write out their notes on paper actually learn more. If you're in need of a new notebook we've got a wide range available on our website.
9. Take your work email off your phone.
The overuse of looking at your work emails and working extra hours at home is proven to cause us added stress and anxiety, which could lead to digital burnout. It’s essential for your health and well-being to occasionally put down your device, log out of your work emails and take a rest. Plus, no one is going to tell you off! Your emails will be waiting for you the next time you sit down at your work computer and log on!
We hope this blog has given you some tips on how you can decrease your screen time.

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