Less Bling, More Kraft paper & String this Christmas.
Hi, it's Jodie on the blog today and I'm helping you get into the Christmas spirit with how you can wrap your Christmas presents sustainably with Pukka Pads' Kraft paper!
On average 227,000 Miles of wrapping paper is thrown away during Christmas time, let’s put that into perspective…That’s nearly the distance to the moon! So, this year why not choose a more eco-conscious style of wrapping? Brown Kraft Paper. Because as Julie Andrews once said ‘Brown paper packages, tied up with strings, these are a few of my favourite things.’ At Pukka Pads we have a wide range of kraft paper to fill your festive needs, however, you might be wondering how brown paper can be Christmassy? Don’t worry, we’ve put together 4 of our favourite ideas to help you get some inspiration this Christmas!
Follow us on TikTok to see some of these ideas in action!

Click here for a video tutorial on how to do this!

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