FSC® Forest Week 2023
FSC® Forest Week is a campaign held annually to drive awareness about the importance of sustainable forestry. The aim of FSC® week is to inspire customers to choose FSC® products and make more informed decisions when purchasing online or in-store.
But, you might be asking what is FSC®, and why it’s so important to us.
FSC® (or The Forest Stewardship Council) is a global non-profit organisation that promotes the responsible management of the world’s forests and everything within them. FSC® audits and certifies forests all over the world to ensure they meet the highest environmental and social standards.
However, it’s not all about the trees. FSC®-certified forests also provide environmental, social, and economic benefits to those who live and work there. This means the needs of the present generation are met without compromising those of future generations
You can view more about the Forest Stewardship Council and the work they do here.
Pukka Pads and FSC®
All the paper we use for our products originates from sustainable sources. The planting of new trees is important to us; it is a crucial part of eliminating our impact on the environment as well as helping to secure the supply of paper for future generations.
We take pride in ensuring all our paper pads and notebooks are produced from paper that originates from sustainable sources. In 2010, the Pukka Pads production plant was officially certified by FSC®. FSC® is an independent, not-for-profit, non–non-government organisation established to support environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests
What do the FSC logos mean?
You may have seen the FSC® logo on products while browsing online, or in shops. We’re proud to say that we only use FSC®-Certified paper in all of our products, so you may have seen the FSC® logo when purchasing a Pukka product!
But, did you know that there are a few different types of FSC® logos and certifications? Our products will contain an FSC® Recycled or FSC® Mix logo to illustrate that they are FSC® Certified. Below, we explain what the different logos mean.

FSC® Recycled
Items with this logo are made from 100% recycled materials, either post-consumer or pre-consumer reclaimed materials. Our Recycled and Pukka Planet ranges are made with fully recycled materials! You can view the FSC® Recycled logo on the back of all of these products.
FSC® Mix
The FSC® mix label indicates that all forest-based materials used on the product are made from a mixture of materials from FSC®-Certified forests, recycled materials and FSC® wood. A large selection of our products are made with FSC® Mixed materials including our iconic metallic jotta.
What can you do to help?
When purchasing online, or on shops look for products with an FSC® logo. You can be sure that you are choosing to shop for products that have been sourced responsibly when they have an FSC® logo. During this week, you can share information with your friends and family and FSC® and the amazing work that they do!
Check out FSC® here on Instagram or their website here