“Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.” – Serena Williams
The 8th of March – a day dedicated to the women of the world! This is a day to celebrate the achievements of women whilst understanding the ongoing challenges women face and the importance of lobbying for gender parity. For International Women’s Day, Pukka Pads would like to give you an insight into the women behind the scenes! Behind the success and day-to-day running of Pukka Pads, there are many hard-working women, some of who have taken the time to tell us a little bit about themselves.
1. What makes you proud to work at Pukka Pads?
Helena: National Account Manager – “The friendly atmosphere, where everybody helps each other and enjoys some fun along the way.”
Jess: Online Account Manager – “I love working at Pukka Pads because we have such a close-knit team! I think many people would imagine we have massive offices with hundreds of staff, but that’s not the case. Pukka Pads’ team is small and very friendly, which makes working for the company so much better. Plus, the company promotes from within where possible, which has made me fortunate enough to work in a few different departments and learn so many different skills I may not have been able to elsewhere!"
Leanne: National Account Manager – “I am proud to work at Pukka as within the business there is a very equal split between the number of male and female staff and as working in the sales team and recently going to a stationery industry awards event, it really does show how much of the stationery industry is male orientated. It makes me proud knowing that I work for a company that is looking to change the mindset within the industry and a company that does value gender equality.”
Fran: Graphic Designer – “Being part of the small in-house design team and getting to work on fun, creative stationery designs.”
Debbie Lewis: Finance Director - "Being with Pukka Pads for over 15 years, I don’t feel like a member of staff, I feel like a member of a family. I have been given a lot of responsibility over the years and feel really valued as an employee. Many other colleagues have been with the business a long time too, so I have created some lifelong friends with who I enjoy socialising at and away from work!"
Lindsey: Stock Analyst – “I’m proud to work for a company that appreciates the efforts of an induvial which in turn makes everyone work hard for their team.”
Jodie: Marketing Executive – “I love working at Pukka Pads, there is a real sense of collaboration, from the design team asking for input into the latest designs to working with the sales team to promote certain lines, no one’s idea gets lost or is discouraged. To have an input into making the business amazing is great.”
Jasmine: Marketing Assistant – “Working for a brand that produces products used across the world for learning and encouraging creativity makes me proud, especially in an era where digitalisation is more dominant than ever.”
2. Who is your female role model and why?
Helena: National Account Manager – “Stevie Nicks & Kate Bush – they both follow their own agenda, do what they love, and dress exactly how they want to – no following the crowd for them!”
Jess: Online Account Manager – “My female role models are Serena and Venus Williams. They showed that with a lot of hard work, determination, and persistence you can achieve absolutely anything no matter where you started. They are an inspiration to women all over the world!”
Leanne: National Account Manager – “My female role model is Florence Given (author of Women Don’t Owe You Pretty), as although she is a very strong believer in feminism, her book also covers aspects that all women go through during their lives, including accountability, boundaries, relationships and the stigma behind being stereotypically ‘pretty’ and the fact there’s a whole industry that profits off the pressure, us as women, face in order to be ‘pretty’ and to fit it/ be accepted by society.
One of my favourite quotes - “You are not a source of energy for others to take. This is your table, you set the standards and you choose who gets a seat. Start turning away people who have the audacity to show up in your life with crumbs, because crumbs can’t feed you. Find someone who brings you a whole cake.”
Fran: Graphic Designer - “Tove Jansson or Frida Kahlo. Both strong, independent women, who were also amazing artists with their own unique styles.”
Debbie Lewis: Finance Director - "My female role model is my mum. She is a very strong, driven and passionate woman who I looked up to a lot growing up. She would do everything possible to give us the best upbringing as children and I really admire her for that."
Lindsey: Stock Analyst – “Marie Curie.”
Jodie: Marketing Executive – “My female role model is Grace Beverly- Founder of TALA, a sustainable fitness-wear brand and Shreddy a fitness app and equipment brand. She is an incredibly successful businesswoman and is not afraid to highlight her successes and failures within both businesses. I grew up watching Grace on YouTube, from starting her brand ‘Grace Fit’, to going through university and now to a highly successful businesswoman. So, I’ve seen how she has progressed within the industry! Grace has so much determination and drive and it motivates me to achieve great things.”
Jasmine: Marketing Assistant – “Chessie or Bronte King – sisters who have built communities based on what they believe in. Chessie is an advocate for body positivity and highlights the ‘Instagram vs reality’ issue. Bronte founded a huge community called ‘Gals who graduate’ which supports graduates and brings girls together!”
3. What motivates you to be the best version of yourself?
Helena: National Account Manager – “I know that the energy I spend every day will be spent doing what I enjoy, and importantly feel is the best for me and my family – I never want to waste a minute!”
Jess: Online Account Manager – "For me, I enjoy learning and testing my knowledge so if I can learn one new thing every day then I am very happy! I’d love to be an expert in my field, but I know I have got a long way to go!"
Leanne: National Account Manager – “I am motivated to live a long, successful and happy life and to one day start a family of my own.”
Fran: Graphic Designer – “Coffee! And the opportunity to bring new ideas to life."
Debbie Lewis: Finance Director - "My biggest motivation is my family, they are at the heart of every decision I make and push me to be the best version of myself. I want them to always have the best help and support possible."
Lindsey: Stock Analyst - “My children – I work hard to be able to turn around and show them that if they want something hard bad enough it can be done.”
Jodie: Marketing Executive – “I find creating a yearly plan of goals and targets for myself particularly motivating! I am quite a visual person so seeing something written down helps me work to that target!”
Jasmine: Marketing Assistant – “My family and friends are definitely my main motivators! Making them proud and seeing them do well always encourages me to do my best!”
4. What is your favourite Pukka product?
Helena: National Account Manager – “Bloom range – dull desks should be banished into the last century – let’s have some colour in our working lives!”
Jess: Online Account Manager – “I love our Carpe Diem Personal Planner in feathers! The design is absolutely gorgeous and I love that it’s undated, so it never expires! I also use our ‘Things To Do Today’ pad every day without fail, it keeps me on top of all my important tasks and meeting, I don’t know where I’d be without it!”
Leanne: National Account Manager – “The B5 Rochelle & Jess Project Books – Specifically the Lilac/Purple one.”
Fran: Graphic Designer – “I love a mini notebook. They’re perfect for doodling, brainstorming and note-taking. I especially like the Carpe Diem Monochrome designs.”
Debbie Lewis: Finance Director - "My favourite Pukka product is our refill pad with squared paper, it’s perfect for us mathematicians and accountants! I also get through a lot of the Brights lever arch files, filing cabinets are full of them!"
Lindsey: Stock Analyst – “B5 Wild Hardback Project Book!”
Jodie: Marketing Executive – “My favourite Pukka product has to be the Wild B5 Project books. I absolutely love animal print, zebra print especially! Project books make it easier for me to focus on certain tasks and projects, as someone works in the marketing department there is always a lot going on, so I find it easier to organise my notebooks by projects!”
Jasmine: Marketing Assistant – “I love the Pastel range! It’s a Pukka classic and just looks so cute!”
And here are just a few of the women that contribute to the greatness of Pukka Pads!